April 25, 2024National Dental

You can expect to spend the better part of a year, at least, on your personal journey to getting a full set of dental implants and replacement teeth. All on 4® dental implants can help streamline the process a bit. However, the biggest thing that will determine how long your journey will take comes down to when you start it.

If you wait years to take the first step, it’ll take years from now for you to finally get to the final step. Take a look at what the first few steps of your journey will likely look like and then take the first step by scheduling a consultation on All on 4 dental implants in Manhattan, NY.

The Consultation

It’s the first step, a big one, yet there’s no reason to feel any pressure or embarrassment at this stage or anything stage thereafter. Your dentist will work to find out what you want to get out of your dental implants and will work to set expectations – whether those expectations need to be raised or lowered.

During this stage, you and your dentist will also look at payment and financing options if needed. If you’ll need to finance your All on 4 dental implants, your dental staff will break down the cost and help you determine how much you'll have to pay monthly.

The Exam

With expectations aligned, your dentist will examine and image your mouth to determine exactly where your dental implants will need to go and if any supporting surgeries are needed to make the implants more reliability long-term.

During this stage, you and your dental staff will settle on a day for implant placement surgery. Also at this stage, you’ll want to toss out any more questions about your dental implants so that you can take the next step will full confidence and zero question marks.

More on All on 4 Dental Implants in Manhattan, NY

Reserve an appointment with a local dentist to learn more about what to expect and to take the next steps in All on 4 dental implants in Manhattan, NY. 

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National Dental
National Dental