April 25, 2024National Dental

It's likely, you've heard more than one success story about the performance of dental implants. But without experiencing the impact of this restoration option yourself, it can be hard to tell if dental implants are as impactful as word-of-mouth has proclaimed them to be. When you take a closer look at dental implants you can get a much better idea of how they feel. Take a look at how full arch dental implants work and find out why they feel so close to natural teeth.


If you can get used to the feel of conventional dentures, that illusion can be dissolved quickly when the oral adhesives break down and the fall out of place. With full arch dental implants, your replacement teeth will stay firmly in place when eating, speaking, smiling and living your life. You’ll quickly get used to eating foods you’d have to take off your menu when you began losing teeth.


One of the biggest elements of dental implants that makes them feel like real teeth is that they function like real teeth.

Take a look at the parts of full arch dental implant to get a better idea about how they function like natural teeth:

The implant post – this part emulates the roots of a tooth. Typically made of titanium, the implant post is implanted into the jawbone in the same fashion that a natural tooth would take root in the jawbone.

The abutment – while the implant post is implanted in the jawbone, below the gumline, the abutment is a connector that sits above the gumline atop the implant post. It connects the post and the restoration.

The restoration – these are your replacement teeth, whether they are a single dental crown for a single tooth replacement or a full set of zirconia bridges linked together to replace a full row of teeth.

More on Full Mouth Dental Implants in NYC

Take a moment to schedule a consultation with a local dentist to learn more about your options for getting full mouth dental implants in New York City.



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National Dental
National Dental