April 25, 2024National Dental

Prevention truly is the best medicine. And when done right, it pays to spend. Spending a small amount of money on preventive dental care will help you avoid paying much more if you neglect your oral health long enough that preventive options are taken off the table, and all you’re left with are restorative solutions. Take a look at some of the many, low-cost ways dentists in New York City can help you preserve your smile and limit the chances you’ll have to invest in higher-priced restorative dental solutions.

Teeth Cleaning

It’s one of the most common and most affordable procedures you’ll find at the dentist’s office. And in terms of prevention, it’s one of the most cost-effective.

During a standard teeth cleaning procedure, your dental hygienist will use a dental scaler to carefully remove tartar that has hardened onto your teeth.

Untreated, tartar buildup can dip below the gum line and eventually create bacterial pockets between the gums and the roots of the teeth. That buildup is often the cause of tooth loss later in life.

X-Rays and Exams

Together, X-Rays and examinations combine to give your dentist a complete picture of the current state of your teeth and gums.

During a dental examination, your dentist will evaluate the following elements and structures inside your mouth:

· Teeth – your dentist will look for signs of decay and other issues that could threaten the structural integrity of teeth

· Gums – you dentist will look for the presence of gum disease

· Jawbone – your dentist will examine the joints in your jawbone

· Your bite – your dentist will look at how your teeth align and how opposing teeth interact

Gum Disease Treatment

Your dentist will offer a full range of treatment options to address gingivitis, which is gum disease in its early stages. One of the most common of these procedures is a deep cleaning, which goes beyond the parameters of a standard teeth cleaning procedure to remove tartar that has built up on the roots of teeth.

Talk with a Dentist in New York

Schedule time to talk with a New York dentist to find out more about the affordable services available to health restore or maintain your smile.

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National Dental
National Dental