Top 3 Mistakes When Choosing a Dentist to Replace Your Missing Teeth.

February 23, 2024National Dental

Are you one of the millions of Americans that have missing teeth and want them replaced with dental implants? As technology advances and procedures become easier to access, patients all over the world are turning to implants as a lifetime solution for one or more missing teeth. As important as the tooth replacement option you choose is the dentist you choose to replace them. If you are looking for a professional to replace your teeth, avoid the following mistakes.

1. Going in Blind

If you are choosing a dentist, turn to those you trust to help you make the right choice. Ask your friends, family and co-workers for referrals. A good dentist will have positive experiences with patients and customers to the point that they want to send you their way. Once you have chosen a few candidates, you can visit the American Dental Association’s website to review their professional information.

2. Choosing Someone Outside Your Network

Every dental benefits plan is different, and just because a dentist is referred by a friend doesn’t mean they are covered by your insurance. If you are starting with a new dentist, we encourage you to contact your insurance provider to determine what your costs will be if you choose us. In the long run, this can save you thousands of dollars as many insurance companies will only cover a portion of doctors out of network if they cover any of the costs at all.

3. Price As Your Deciding Factor

While it’s important to have the cost discussion right up front, don’t make the mistake of thinking the cheapest option is the best. It’s more important that you get quality work done by a dentist with experience and a solid reputation. It may seem less expensive up front, but the lifetime costs are often significantly less.

Contact Us

If you are considering Dr. Doshi as your dentist, we encourage you to visit us. Contact us to schedule an appointment to determine if we are the right office for you.

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National Dental
National Dental